Blacklist Number

Step 3: set 01569113 on a blacklist
In order to avoid getting unsolicited nuisance calls, you should have a look at the possibilities to blacklist certain numbers or record your own number for not getting called.

The National Directory Database of Ireland is a list of all telephone numbers contained in public phone books or available through directory inquiries. There is an opt-out opportunity for marketing calls that is quite necessary. You should contact your phone provider to get on the NDD opt-out register. The phone line providers are responsible for recording your preference for the NDD. Have a look at the list of service providers that are authorized by ComReg.

If the provider does not record your preference, you can file a complaint to ComReg

The registration for the opt-out list is a free service.

However, this does not guarantee the end of unsolicited calls, as some will still call illegally. In this case, you can make a complaint to the authorities we presented in the section before. Further information:

If you want to stop unwanted marketing calls, you should contact the Data Protection Commissioner:
by phone: Lo Call 1890 252 231 (Monday to Thursday 9.15 am to 5.30pm & Friday 9.15am to 5.15pm)
by email: [email protected]

Maybe also your phone systems offers a blocking option for a certain amount of numbers. You should contact your provider or have a look at the manual. Also, some applications for mobile phones will help you to know more about the calls you receive and decide beforehand if you will take a call or not. Most mobile phones can block particular numbers. If you would like to know about the tools in your phone, please have a look at the manual for additional information.

Although you will never be able to blacklist all numbers that belong to the scammers, as they use a lot of numbers each, you should try to stay up-to-date. The presented opportunities will also help to reduce the number of unsolicited calls anyway.

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