• This number was often allocated to Paul. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Paul at the end of the page.

Paul 0830395694 / +353830395694

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Paul more...
Ratings: 39
Search requests: 6623
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (11/3/24, 7:15 PM)

wrote: Text same as ones in comments above... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: 3 Ireland - Ireland
Telephone number: 083-0395694
Phone number +353830395694 from 3 Ireland tagged as Harassment calls 24 times.

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Attention, 0830395694 has been rated negatively.

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tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls. Thousands of people are harassed by phone every day and tellows has been offering a platform for exchange and help since 2010.

tellows score for +353830395694

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
24 reports
SMS spam
9 reports
3 reports
Caller Name:
31 reports
4 reports
1 reports
Phone number +353830395694 from 3 Ireland tagged as Harassment calls 24 times: Same message received as others have sta... 6623 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 0830395694?

  1. 1

    Ash reported unknown with the number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    11/7/23, 11:44 AM

    Same message received as others have stated. I didn't reply. I am a counsellor as someone else also said they were so number is available freely. Very disconcerting.

  2. 1

    Paul has been reported with number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    7/20/23, 3:52 PM

    Same as others have reported above. I'm a counsellor and advertise online so perhaps that's one of his hunting grounds.

  3. 1

    Sabri reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    3/31/23, 2:42 PM

    I received a message with the good luck long legs comments and I just report and block.

  4. 1

    Tirreni reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    11/16/22, 6:49 PM

    Exactly the same message received this evening ("sexy legs" etc etc). I'm a therapist and we get plagued by these types of calls. We used to get the same ones when I worked for a mental health charity and a suicide prevention charity. Don't engage! Just report and block.

  5. 1

    Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as SMS spam

    4/2/22, 12:14 AM

    Good morning sexy legs hope all goes well in the new office today….

    So very sorry about that text…. new phone and saved number wrong…..

    PS… only realised my mistake when your profile pic came up, but for what it’s worth Sexy was a very fitting compliment ……

  6. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    11/3/24, 7:15 PM

    Text same as ones in comments above

  7. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    8/13/24, 10:18 PM

    I also received the messages mentioned above , 'sexy legs' and the 'sorry wrong number' . They went straight into my spam thankfully. I am a counsellor who advertises online.

  8. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    7/10/24, 7:22 AM

    This guy seems to be calling himself Paul in text messages and John on the phonecall. Perhaps other names too. He is targeting female counsellors as I've gathered quite a few contacts from people he has contacted. Gardai will now be notified.

  9. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    7/10/24, 7:20 AM

    Seems to be calling himself Paul in text messages and John on the phonecall.

  10. 0

    Investigator M reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    6/27/24, 5:16 PM

    Same as others. Also a counsellor who advertises online have received same message “sexy legs” etc in 2020, 2021, earlier this year and this week. Little does her realise the number is actually my husbands who does all my admin.

  11. 0

    Anon reported ~p with the number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    4/26/24, 2:27 PM

    Am based in the UK and started receiving WhatsApp’s from this number. Blocked straight away. What a sad little life Paul.

  12. 0

    Investigator Twinks reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    4/3/24, 5:31 PM

    Started this morning with the same routine. Haven't engaged at all but he's carrying on a conversation with himself. Now received a voice note.
    I'm a therapist like others and I'm guessing that's where he's found me.
    Absolute pest. This behavior has been going on for years, I'm going to report him to the police.

    ADT replied 4/9/24, 7:49 PM
    I know the person that owns this number. Is it possible to get in touch with you please?
    Bren replied 7/10/24, 7:27 AM
    Please report this guy to the police. He has been doing this constantly for years and it needs to be stopped.

  13. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    2/19/24, 12:37 PM

    Initial message like others above -blocked after seeing that this was not an honest mistake!

  14. 0

    006andahalf reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    1/23/24, 6:41 PM

    Received 2 texts;
    "Good evening sexy legs hope all goes well in the new office this week x chat soon"

    "?so very sorry about that text. Hit a wrong digit when saving a friends new number. So sorry about that.... Paul ?

    He should be reported to the Gardai.

  15. 0

    Laptop reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    11/16/23, 11:32 AM

    Oh, Pp strikes again! Viber, WhatsApp now SMS - BLOCKED!!!
    Pp - aka Paul the Pest has sent me 2 messages over the past few weeks, now blocked on all above . . . His message starts off with . Good Morning/ Afternoon sexy legs..... he copies and pastes the text . . . DO NOT ENGAGE - Preditor, just read all comments.
    If you do reply, he will start a conversation starting with an excuse, being polite ... just do not engage.

  16. 0

    iPhone reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    10/25/23, 4:16 PM via iPhone App

    Good morning sexy legs hope all going well with you x chat soon …. This Paul guy appears on viber every couples of months

  17. 0

    None reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    8/17/23, 9:41 PM

    Same sexy legs message received last week. Didn’t respond then blocked after reading on here about him. Thanks everyone

  18. 0

    same as everyone else reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    3/18/23, 3:32 PM

    I feel like if this person isn't dealt with soon, it could lead to something physically violent.

  19. 0

    V reported number ‎+353830395694 as unknown

    3/18/23, 10:32 AM

    Hi sticker on Viber… name as Pp

    I recognised it was a spam message, ignores.

    3 days later “ So sorry about that ?? .. I do not even know you ?”

    I print screened google and his mobile number and replied back with that… nearly 500 complaints on slick.ly
    ALWAYS do your homework - never reply to a strangers complement or you’re potentially asking for trouble.

  20. 0

    Steph reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    3/13/23, 3:32 PM

    Exactly same as comments above
    Started with the sexy legs thing
    Then proceeded with all the harassment
    Blocked number

  21. 0

    Investigator Ffs reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    1/11/23, 6:33 PM

    Exactly the same text, fairly obvious ploy. Clearly has something mentally wrong with him.

  22. 0

    Patty reported number ‎0830395694 as Paul

    12/21/22, 12:46 AM

    Paul, texts all of the above. I thought it was funny initially and joked back respectably. Very quickly he turned it into dirty talk and images of his crotch. Also voice notes. Not sure if he is a sexual predator or opportunist but whatever he is doing he is going to get on the wrong side of someone. Says he is from Galway - very sad when someone has to go to those lengths to get kicks.

  23. 0

    Daph reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    7/14/22, 3:48 PM

    So obvious this was fake! Tries to lure you in with a compliment, but don't fall for it. Don't engage. Block number to stop harrassment.

  24. 0

    Investigator Sarah reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    4/16/22, 4:20 AM

    He is a Pick Up Artist/ seducer (lots of information on Google - just check out magnetic messaging), which means that he uses lots of techniques designed to make you want to have sex with him.

    He pretends to be interested in you, and doesn’t care about the distress he might cause you (but he will pretend to, as that’s part of the technique).

  25. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as SMS spam

    3/31/22, 9:38 AM

    Fishing for contact. Didn't reply. Sent 3 messages.
    1 Good afternoon sexy legs. Hope all goes well in the new office today x chat soon.
    2 So very sorry about that text. new phone and saved a number wrong obviously. Really sorry again. Paul
    3. Bet I called another female sexy legs too (emojis)

    Sarah replied 4/1/22, 7:51 AM
    Hello. I'm sorry he did this to you too. Could you tell me when he messaged you? Thanks

  26. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    3/17/22, 8:31 PM

    Same sexy legs message. I was taken in, but stopped it after it got too much. Checked him out and saw the messages on here so I confronted him and he said he’s stopped, but not sure that he will.

  27. 0

    Anne reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    2/15/22, 3:22 PM

    WhatsApp messages. Inappropriate and trying to pretend it was a wrong number.

  28. 0

    Ann reported unknown with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    11/9/21, 2:45 PM

    Received same sexy legs WhatsApp text. Blocked after reading here. Thanks

  29. 0

    The number ‎+353830395694 has been assigned to Paul

    6/23/21, 3:33 PM

    Sent sexy legs messages exactly as above. I didn't respond and he said "I hope I at least am calling a female sexy legs" blocking now

  30. 0

    aa reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    5/24/21, 1:28 PM

    Same as above, got the sexy legs text - but saw the messages above so immediately blocked number

  31. 0

    Abcd reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    5/7/21, 1:58 PM

    He's back again.
    So annoying

  32. 0

    Investigator CC reported Paul with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    3/11/21, 2:38 PM

    Sent message about "sexy legs" having a good day in the office and then immediately apologised. I responded but then having seen the comments here that he has sent pictures of private parts, deleted same so as not to encourage it.

  33. 0

    Paul has been reported with number ‎+353830395694 as Harassment calls

    11/2/20, 3:47 PM

    Sms via WhatsApp - "hey - good luck in the new office tomorrow x speak soon" followed by an apology text almost immediately saying "so sorry" for text, signed Paul

  34. 0

    Cork5 reported Paul with the number ‎+353830395694 as SMS spam

    6/22/20, 12:36 PM

    Sends messages - hello sexy legs...... then apologises immediately received same messages exactly in 2018 and again in 2020

  35. 0

    Investigator lisa reported unknown with the number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    6/8/18, 2:33 PM

    keeps sending me pictures of his private parts

  36. Paul has been reported with number ‎0830395694 as Harassment calls

    1/24/22, 2:06 PM

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‎+353 83 0395694