Your phone is ringing and you don't know who is calling?
tellows provides information to identify trustworthy or potential risk calls - thanks to our worldwide community.
tellows - find out who called with the phone number reverse search & caller protection
Find details about reported phone numbers from over 7 million monthly users in 50 countries and participate by becoming a part of tellows community.
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We categorise calls by type (debt collection, serious number, sweepstakes, etc.) and give the number in question a tellows score, which indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you to decide whether or not to take the call.
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We've all had to deal with the same thing.
Let's imagine your phone rings without break, you can't enjoy even a single heartbeat in silence. What do you do when unsolicited calls grind down your every nerve? Do you ignore calls or do you answer them? And above all: Who calls you? Rest assured, you are not the only one to suffer such annoyances. For this very reason, aims to divulge the spam and scam callers by providing a plattform for all those who must endure the harassment of telemarketers and other dubious entrepreneurs. Not only does tellows attempt to present its users with the most up to date information on the nuisance callers, but also provides the instrument to point at the callers location.
New unwanted phone numbers
On tellows, thousands of phone numbers are reported by the community every day. Here you can find phone numbers that were reported for the first time and were classified as unwanted.Recently added comments
The number +32466074936 has been assigned to unknown
Missed call, no voice mail
1 Rating for +32466074936 (Liège) -
The number +573025887230 has been assigned to unknown
1 Rating for +573025887230 (Tigo, Celular) -
Cat reported Sarah Mason - hair salon with the number 091565916 as Trustworthy number
number for automatic texts to confirm appointment
1 Rating for 091565916 (Galway, Gort, Loughrea) -
Cat reported unknown with the number 0949042584 as Trustworthy number
very trustworthy.
1 Rating for 0949042584 (Castlebar) -
Investigator Peter Plachetka reported Peter with the number +4917661689774 as Aggressive advertising
Some of the call me all the time
1 Rating for +4917661689774 (O2 (Germany))
Where does the information on telephone numbers come from?
In order to achieve our goals it is imperative to sum up every information available on the callers. That's when you come into play. By sharing your knowledge on spam and scam numbers in form of comments and your ratings you feed a complex alghorithm that not only produces the tellows-score but also gives advice on the trustworthiness of the numbers calling you. But at the end of the day, it will your participation that will generate the amount of information needed to save people before they suffer the consequences of being scammed. Share your knowledge and, therewith, negate the scammers greatest advantage that is the people's ignorance.
Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers
Crumlin Childrens Hospital has been reported with number 014096100 as Trustworthy number
1 Rating for 014096100 (Dublin) -
The number 061203691 has been assigned to unknown
i answered, no reply from their end
1 Rating for 061203691 (Limerick, Scariff) -
AIB SCAM has been reported with number 012548811 as SMS spam
012548811 - AIB SCAM text message comes in under AIB message thread. Asks for your AIB login details when you ring the number. AVOID AVOID AVOID !!!
2 Ratings for 012548811 (Dublin) -
The number 0852044340 has been assigned to unknown
1 Rating for 0852044340 (Meteor, eircom Mobile) -
The number +32466074936 has been assigned to unknown
Missed call, no voice mail
1 Rating for +32466074936 (Liège)
Often searched companies
- Specsavers Opticians & Audiologists - Cruises Street - Limerick in Cruises Street 13a
- Optician
- Behaviour & Attitudes in Milltown House
- Research institute
- Specsavers Opticians and Audiologists - Sligo in Wine Street Quayside Shopping Centre, Unit 17
- Optician
- Specsavers Opticians & Audiologists - Dun Laoghaire in George Street Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre 218
- Optician
- Specsavers Opticians & Audiologists - Letterkenny in Port Rd 64
- Optician
- Kiely McCarthy Solicitors in New Wellington Terrace 1
- Law firm
- Cavan Windscreen Centre Ltd in Kilmore Business Park Dublin Rd 5
- Auto glass shop
- Smiles Dental Wexford in Selskar Street 8
- Dental clinic
- Specsavers Opticians and Audiologists - Killarney in The Court Yard unit 2
- Optician
- Behaviour & Attitudes in Milltown, Dublin 6
- Market researcher
The number +32466074936 has been assigned to unknown
Missed call, no voice mail...
1 Rating for +32466074936 (Liège)